Want to share a crime analysis related job posting? You can post it here. Please include a link to the page and an opening and closing date.
Beverly Hills PD Crime Analyst
Closes 10/31/21
Anaheim PD Police System Support Analyst
Closes 10/25/21
Laguna Beach PD Crime Analyst
Open: Now Closes: 7/26/21
San Bernardino PD Criminal Investigation Officer
Opens: 7/5/21 Closes after 25 qualified applications
Riverside Sheriff Crime Analyst
Open: Now Closes: 7/16/21
San Bernardino PD Crime Analysis Support Assistant
Open 7/5/21 Currently Closed.
Woodland PD Crime & Intelligence Analyst Open now, closes July 6
Ventura PD Criminal Investigative Tech Open continuously, still open as of 7/12/21
Oxnard PD Crime Analysis Data Tech Closes 6/29/2021
Beverly Hills Police Crime Analyst
Open Now, Closes 6/9/21
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